#CareerSnippet - Twitlive @ReneCC

Satu hari di 25 Oktober 2011, mata tertuju serius pada timeline. Ada Rene Suhardono yang sedang nge-twit seru berhashtag #CareerSnippet. Aku sempat tandai twit-twitnya sebagai favorite twit:
  1. How do you think you will live up your  &  if you are only driven by fear?  
  2. How can you make a difference if you spent most of the time thinking about yourself & your needs? 
  3. What is your lifelong ? No - it's NOT the same as profession or occupation 
  4. This is the time to jump when you can hardly feel anything - even in the morning 
  5. It's the time to leap when you are focusing more on surviving than flourishing 
  6. Jump. When you focus more on ways to make your boss happy instead of living a life that matters to you 
  7. Move on. When you no longer trust or have the trust of the people you work with 
  8. Walk away. When you have lost respect for the company and/or your boss 
  9. Wake up & shake up. When the only reason to stay is getting your salary 
  10. Note: Be sure to decide how high you want to leap. Small doable jump is better ;) Think less - feel more.
  11. Last one for today's : You can only seize great opportunity when you put your heart wholeheartedly. Jump & make it happen.

~~~yang punya blog~~~

#Selfnote yang mungkin bisa berguna juga untuk visitor blog ini yang ikut baca :)


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